Staring into the Zombie Abyss
By Guest Contributor Marc Merlin, Director of the Atlanta Science Tavern. In his excellent review of the recent Zombethics Conference, Ross Gordon covers the central themes discussed during its morning session: a hypothetical neuroanatomy of zombies that would account for their hostile behavior, the possibility of the existence of philosophical zombies, soulless humans walking among us and, finally, the always-vexing question of free will, as it concerns both zombies and us. Without a doubt these discussions have much to say about neuroscience and the philosophy of mind. What is less clear to me is what they have to say about ethics. They help us think more carefully about zombie behavior, but they offer little additional understanding of own our behavior, which is, after all, the grist for the ethics mill. The Piano Kill, via Zombieland The fact of the matter is that we are the ethical agents in the universe of human-zombie interactions. What motivates us and informs our behavior - c...