Second Installment: First Year Neuroscience Students at Emory Write about the Science and Ethics of ADHD
As we did in 2011, in 2012 Emory's First Year Neuroscience Graduate Students were asked to write a blog post for the Neuroethics portion of their Neuroscience and Communications Course.
These posts will be delivered in 4 weekly installments, each week featuring a commentary on a different neuroethics piece.
This week, we feature blogs covering the following article:
Beyond polemics: science and ethics of ADHD Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9, 957-964 (December 2008).
These posts will be delivered in 4 weekly installments, each week featuring a commentary on a different neuroethics piece.
This week, we feature blogs covering the following article:
Beyond polemics: science and ethics of ADHD Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9, 957-964 (December 2008).
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